Blog Post

5 Amazing Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids

  • By The Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona Team
  • 06 Dec, 2023

It's that time of year again when we not only enjoy quality family time and gratitude, but we also assess our health & wellness ...and for growing families, the health & wellness of our little ones. 

Most children around the world are writing Santa letters for what they want for the holidays and you, as parents, need to ensure that proper health & wellness make the list. From sports, to play dates, to learning and exploring the world, kids are adventurous and always exploring. Kids are growing fast, and their bodies go through a lot during the school year and all their daily activities. Hunching over a desk, caring a heavy backpack, or taking a tackle at football practice can all harm your child's spine and back health. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to improve your child's overall wellness and address spinal problems before they become chronic. Here are five reasons to consider chiropractic care with Dr. D for your child:

1. Healthier Development

The spine houses the spinal cord-the highway of the nervous system. Misalignments in the spine can cause pain, coordination problems, lowered immune system, and even increased anxiety. Throughout a child’s life, their spine takes a lot of trauma, from falling while learning to walk to active play and maybe sitting too much once they get older. At the same time, their spine is undergoing an amazing developmental process. The curves in their spine are forming, and their adult frame is taking shape. During this time, it’s especially important to correct subluxations in the spine, bad posture habits, or congenital issues.

Chiropractic care may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of healthcare for children, but it is one of the safest ways to ensure your child’s wellness. Chiropractors are taught special techniques for adjusting children. They can evaluate your child’s spine, make lifestyle recommendations, and correct any existing subluxations. Keeping their spine aligned as they grow will lead to a healthier back and nervous system in adulthood.

2. Less Pain and Better Athletic Performance

Student-athletes have unique needs that can be addressed with chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustment and other treatments offered in your chiropractor’s office, like laser therapy, are safe, non-addictive solutions to pain. Chiropractors are equipped to evaluate and diagnose injuries and provide in-office and at-home treatment plans. Chiropractic treatments reduce inflammation and allow the body to heal faster. This means your teen might be able to get back to the sport they love sooner.

Better yet, regular chiropractic care can help prevent injuries. Since spinal adjustment affects the nervous system, it improves coordination, range of motion, and flexibility. Athletes who receive regular chiropractic care get injured less often than those who don’t. They also show measurable increases in athletic performance. Most professional sports teams keep a team chiropractor on hand to treat their players, but your child doesn’t have to be a professional athlete to reap the benefits of chiropractic care.

3. A Robust Immune System

Every parent knows that as soon as the fall/winter season starts, the creeping crud starts going around. Colds and stomach bugs happen to everyone sometimes, but a strong immune system helps cut down on sick days. Since the nervous system interacts with the immune system, chiropractic adjustment can increase immunity. Studies have shown that both children and adults who receive regular chiropractic care experience fewer viral infections than those who don’t.

In addition to being preventative, chiropractic adjustment can also help heal certain illnesses. Babies and young children who struggle with chronic ear infections can benefit from chiropractic care. A specific adjustment technique is used to free the nerve that controls the opening and closing of the Eustachian tubes within the ear. In one study, 93% of the children involved saw improvement in ear infection symptoms after adjustment. Studies have also shown that regular chiropractic care in young children can make ear infections less frequent.

4. Improved Sleep & Behavior

Sometimes when children have trouble sleeping, the cause is tight muscles or discomfort that they aren’t able to explain. Kids also deal with stress, and as with adults, stress can disrupt their sleep. Chiropractic adjustment can help with stiffness and pain as well as stress reduction. Chiropractic care has been shown to improve bed wetting, reduce signs of stress and improve sleep in children. Many parents of children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD have noticed improvements in their child’s behavior and ability to focus after they receive an adjustment. Again, this is all due to the effect of spinal adjustment on the nervous system. An aligned spine frees the nervous system to function optimally, which in turn benefits mental and physical health.

5. Better Posture Habits

If your child is complaining of headaches or is struggling to sit still at times, posture may be to blame. Just as adults need to sit with correct posture to avoid injury, kids also need to avoid hunching or slouching. Your chiropractor can evaluate your child to see if bad posture may be causing them discomfort. He will also help give you and your child tips on how to use better posture in life.

Some kids have weak core muscles. This can make it more difficult for them to sit with a healthy posture. Kids with weak core muscles may also struggle with motor skills like writing or doing up buttons. Dr. Diana can evaluate your child for this and assign exercises to improve their core strength.

Chiropractors, like Dr. D, are holistic practitioners. This means she takes the whole person, lifestyle, diet, and habits into account. She is a great resource for parents like you, who may be wondering how to help their child wear a backpack correctly, eat healthier or be more active. Don’t hesitate to bring up these concerns during your child’s appointment.

Chiropractic Care for Kids in Arizona

At Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona, we believe that chiropractic care can change lives. We treat patients of all ages and have years of experience helping families meet their wellness goals. If your child is experiencing headaches, dizziness, or sleep problems, don't wait to bring them in for an appointment with our caring expert. Chiropractic care can help your kids have a happier, healthier end and new year.

Contact Dr. Diana Mladenoff today. TEXT is best (or you can call) 1 (602) 524-0222. Or visit our New Patient Center linked here. 
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